The first Church of Saint Paisios was founded in Australia

Forty years ago, monk Paisios along with the Abbot at that time of the monastery of Stavronikita, Archimandrite VassiliosGontikakis, visited Australia accepting the invitation of the Archbishop of Australia Stylianos, to bless together the Greek Australian diaspora.
At the end of October 2018, the Church of Australia laid the foundation stone of the church in the name of Saint Paisios in a ceremony held amidst an atmosphere of deep emotion. In a relevant announcement, it was mentioned that the construction of the temple is due to the generous monetary donation of Mr. Nicolas Kakoulas, an ardent supporter of the local monastic brotherhood.
A service was held at the nave of the Monastery of St. John of the Mountain in Perth with the presence of the Bishop of DorylaeonNikandros who officiated, with fellow clergymen the fathers of the monastery. The foundation ceremony was followed by lunch which was offered to all attendees.
At the end of October 2018, the Church of Australia laid the foundation stone of the church in the name of Saint Paisios in a ceremony held amidst an atmosphere of deep emotion. In a relevant announcement, it was mentioned that the construction of the temple is due to the generous monetary donation of Mr. Nicolas Kakoulas, an ardent supporter of the local monastic brotherhood.
A service was held at the nave of the Monastery of St. John of the Mountain in Perth with the presence of the Bishop of DorylaeonNikandros who officiated, with fellow clergymen the fathers of the monastery. The foundation ceremony was followed by lunch which was offered to all attendees.
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News, Theological Issues