The Angels in the Christian religion

Etymologically the word angel is the one who carries news. Angels can be found in every religion. In the Christian religion, we read about Angels in the Bible. Angels are the creations of God long before he created man and also before the existence of the physical world. Angels are incorruptible and immaterial spirits, thus superior to humans, they are not confined to time and space, are measured in the thousands – they are consequently innumerable – and have as main objective the glorification, the praise of God.
Furthermore, Angels perform God's will and take care of people at God’s command. Each time that people approach God asking for forgiveness, Angels sing joyfully the news while they continuously worship. Every worship that people conduct on Earth is united with the one of the Angels.
In the Christian religion the Angels are divided into nine ranks (nine classes): Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels. We know by name only three Angels: Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. In Orthodoxy, we honor the presence of angels and baptized taking their names – Angelos, Angeliki, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Taxiarchis.
In the teachings of our Church, apart from the Angels we know are also mentioned these angels who went down, the ones who, although they were initially good went astray and followed Devil's way. In the Christian faith, people must not ignore evil. They need to know it and fight against it, which they can accomplish through their participation in the Church.Etymologically the word angel is the one who carries news. Angels can be found in every religion. In the Christian religion, we read about Angels in the Bible. Angels are the creations of God long before he created man and also before the existence of the physical world. Angels are incorruptible and immaterial spirits, thus superior to humans, they are not confined to time and space, are measured in the thousands – they are consequently innumerable – and have as main objective the glorification, the praise of God.
Furthermore, Angels perform God's will and take care of people at God’s command. Each time that people approach God asking for forgiveness, Angels sing joyfully the news while they continuously worship. Every worship that people conduct on Earth is united with the one of the Angels.
In the Christian religion the Angels are divided into nine ranks (nine classes): Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels. We know by name only three Angels: Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. In Orthodoxy, we honor the presence of angels and baptized taking their names – Angelos, Angeliki, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Taxiarchis.
In the teachings of our Church, apart from the Angels we know are also mentioned these angels who went down, the ones who, although they were initially good went astray and followed Devil's way. In the Christian faith, people must not ignore evil. They need to know it and fight against it, which they can accomplish through their participation in the Church.
Furthermore, Angels perform God's will and take care of people at God’s command. Each time that people approach God asking for forgiveness, Angels sing joyfully the news while they continuously worship. Every worship that people conduct on Earth is united with the one of the Angels.
In the Christian religion the Angels are divided into nine ranks (nine classes): Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels. We know by name only three Angels: Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. In Orthodoxy, we honor the presence of angels and baptized taking their names – Angelos, Angeliki, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Taxiarchis.
In the teachings of our Church, apart from the Angels we know are also mentioned these angels who went down, the ones who, although they were initially good went astray and followed Devil's way. In the Christian faith, people must not ignore evil. They need to know it and fight against it, which they can accomplish through their participation in the Church.Etymologically the word angel is the one who carries news. Angels can be found in every religion. In the Christian religion, we read about Angels in the Bible. Angels are the creations of God long before he created man and also before the existence of the physical world. Angels are incorruptible and immaterial spirits, thus superior to humans, they are not confined to time and space, are measured in the thousands – they are consequently innumerable – and have as main objective the glorification, the praise of God.
Furthermore, Angels perform God's will and take care of people at God’s command. Each time that people approach God asking for forgiveness, Angels sing joyfully the news while they continuously worship. Every worship that people conduct on Earth is united with the one of the Angels.
In the Christian religion the Angels are divided into nine ranks (nine classes): Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels. We know by name only three Angels: Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. In Orthodoxy, we honor the presence of angels and baptized taking their names – Angelos, Angeliki, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Taxiarchis.
In the teachings of our Church, apart from the Angels we know are also mentioned these angels who went down, the ones who, although they were initially good went astray and followed Devil's way. In the Christian faith, people must not ignore evil. They need to know it and fight against it, which they can accomplish through their participation in the Church.
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Theological Issues