The newly-elected Archbishop Makarios of Australia
On August 3, the newly-elected Archbishop Makarios of Australia will assume office and his goal is to keep the flame of Orthodoxy burning A brilliant man, with excellent studies, theological and related to bioethics and ethics in science, the new Archbishop of Australia, is expected to join the faithful Orthodox Christians and to keep the Archdiocese of Australia closely united. The new Archbishop of Australia Makarios who was supported...

A strong request from the archaeologists for the conversion of Hagia Sophia into a museum.
A strong request from the archaeologists for the conversion of Hagia Sophia into a museum. The famous "Hagia Sofia", the church which marks the Orthodox faith worldwide, a symbol of culture and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is under "threat" to be turned into a mosque, according to the announcements of the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. However, for this to happen, it should have the approval of UNESCO, as...

Cycladic snapshots of the monuments and their people
An excellent exhibition, with the participation of the Ephorate of Antiquities of the Cyclades, institutions of the Church of Greece and material from the Ministry of Culture, and the French School of Athens, eloquently presents the difficult task of saving the monuments of the Cyclades. The exhibition which opened in November of 2018 and ends on February 2019, managed to attract the interest of hundreds of visitors regarding this exceptional...

The "Small Cathedral" of Athens
The very best example of an Athenian dome, a unique masonry of a mid-Byzantine church in Athens built entirely from marble fragments, a true exhibition of sculptures (90 in total) from different historical periods, ancient Greek, Roman, early Christian and Byzantine, make up the “Small Cathedral" of Athens. The small church which is located next to the Athens Cathedral and operates as a chapel, with an octagonal dome, semi-complex cross-in-square...

The ecclesiastical museum of Komotini
The imaret (Turkish word meaning poorhouse or building complex including a mosque) of Komotini, which is of Islamic architecture, is a designated monument, which houses the Ecclesiastical Museum of the Holy Metropolis of Maroneia and Komotini. According to the traditions of the inhabitants of Komotini, there where the imaret was built was located the Byzantine church of Agia Sophia, upon which was integrated the construction of the building. The imaret,...

Omorfoklissia Galatsi - A Byzantine monument in the heart of Athens
Agios Georgios at Galatsi, located on Veikou avenue, also known as Omorfokklisia, dates from the late 12th century and is characterized as cross-in-square, with a chapel on the southern side, probably contemporary with the church, with an octagonal Athenian type dome and bricks circumferentially. The beauty of the church has given it the name Omorfoklissia, which in Greek means beautiful church. The church is distinguished and admired not only for...

One more church-monument worthy of being preserved
Another successful church preservation on the island of Serifos, by the Ephorate of Antiquities of Cyclades. The holy church of Agios Eleftherios at Lempidi, in the capital of Serifos island, is considered a monument and archaeological site of Greece, by Ministerial Decision, already since 1972. The decision concerning the preservation by professional restorers of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Cyclades led to two preservation phases: that of the icons and...

Hope is reborn in Mati
During the Christmas holidays, a family at Mati who was faced and was tested by the deadly fire of July started to dream again by returning to their home which was made once more. The Dukulaki family returned to its home which was completely destroyed by the fire, planted new trees in the garden and with the contribution of the non-governmental organization “Apostoli" of the Archdiocese of Athens, managed to...