7th Εxhibition - Orthodox Christian book and Monastic products

For the 7th consecutive year, the Orthodox Christian book and Monastic Products exhibition will be held at the Divani Caravel Hotel from November 2 to November 5. The objective of the exhibition is to present and promote the Christian books that spread the Orthodox Christian word and way of life and to inform the public about the monastic products.
The exhibition is organized by EnPlo publications, with the approval and blessing of the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Hieronymus, while many other publishing houses participate in the exhibition, with more than 1,500 titles, and a significant number of monasteries with their own products.
During the exhibition, a number of book presentations by their authors will take place as well as a tribute to Zoe Kanava, author of children's books. In addition to these, the program of the exhibition includes four special sections dedicated to: the Peiraiki Church on the occasion of the 30 years since the establishment of the first church radio station "peiraikiekklisia 91.2 FM", a special tribute to the recently proclaimed Saint, the Elder AmphilochiosMakris, to the Elder Gabriel Tsafos and to DOMOS publications to celebrate their 40 years.
During the exhibition, on Saturday, November 3, a one-day symposium will be held with the subject "Bringing up children for the Kingdom of God», on the occasion of the publication of Philip Mamalaki’s book by EN PLO publications.
During the opening hours of the exhibition (10 a.m. to 10 p.m.) visitors will also have the opportunity to visit the exhibition of Bulgarian painter Julia Stankova with works based on the Gospel according to Saint Mark. Admission is free. For information please call 211 11 98 900-1.
The exhibition is organized by EnPlo publications, with the approval and blessing of the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Hieronymus, while many other publishing houses participate in the exhibition, with more than 1,500 titles, and a significant number of monasteries with their own products.
During the exhibition, a number of book presentations by their authors will take place as well as a tribute to Zoe Kanava, author of children's books. In addition to these, the program of the exhibition includes four special sections dedicated to: the Peiraiki Church on the occasion of the 30 years since the establishment of the first church radio station "peiraikiekklisia 91.2 FM", a special tribute to the recently proclaimed Saint, the Elder AmphilochiosMakris, to the Elder Gabriel Tsafos and to DOMOS publications to celebrate their 40 years.
During the exhibition, on Saturday, November 3, a one-day symposium will be held with the subject "Bringing up children for the Kingdom of God», on the occasion of the publication of Philip Mamalaki’s book by EN PLO publications.
During the opening hours of the exhibition (10 a.m. to 10 p.m.) visitors will also have the opportunity to visit the exhibition of Bulgarian painter Julia Stankova with works based on the Gospel according to Saint Mark. Admission is free. For information please call 211 11 98 900-1.
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News, Theological Issues