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The "prison" of Jesus before His crucifixion has been discovered Posted: January 15, 2019 | Categories: Current Affairs | Author: Christianity Art

The small chapel, which according to Christian tradition the Jews locked up Jesus as they were preparing for His crucifixion, also known as the Chapel of the Klapes, is now proven to be the temporary "prison" of Jesus. Klapes were called the slabs which bore notches or holes that functioned as an instrument of torture.

 It is mentioned that on these klapes were tied Jesus' feet before he was crucified. The scientific substantiation that indeed the Chapel of the Klapes was the prison of Christ came during the restoration works of the Holy Sepulcher which were completed at the end of 2018, and focused on the restoration of the statical parts, the maintenance of the brickwork, and the emergence of the monument and the interior decoration with proper lighting.

 The Chapel of the Klapes is one of the four main sections of the complex of the Church of the Resurrection (the other three are the Golgotha, the Holy Sepulcher and the site of the discovery of the Holy Cross), one of the oldest parts of the temple and one of the two chapels belonging to the Orthodox. Dr. Theodosios Mitropoulos, architect and director of the technical office of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, mentioned that the recent archaeological excavations and restoration works have proven that the use of the prison as a worship shrine dates back to early Christian times. The chapel is expected to be opened to the public in the early days of 2019.

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