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The Social Mission Clinic offers for seven consecutive years to our fellow men

The Social Mission Clinic offers for seven consecutive years to our fellow men

“Apostoli”, the charitable organization of the Church of Greece, in cooperation with the Athens Medical Association offers clinical examinations to vulnerable groups, thus solving the problem of accessibility to health institutions of the elderly, children and in general those who are unable to move or are uninsured and financially weak. To this day, during the seven years of the program’s operation, have been carried out about 70 000 clinical examinations,...

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Saint Hyacinth. The Orthodox Saint who martyred for Love

Saint Hyacinth. The Orthodox Saint who martyred for Love

Hyacinth was a native of Cappadocia and is referred to as the chamberlain of Emperor Trajan (A.D. 98-117). The wealth and the riches of the palace and the position he held did not limit his spirit nor did it lead him to idolatry.  On the contrary, Hyacinth chose the love of Christ and although he performed his duties conscientiously, his soul served only the Lord. During the persecutions of Trajan,...

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